October 2022 (2)
Pledge Every Talent

The television ministry is a behind-the-scene type of work. We do not always get to see directly the result of the work we do as it impacts the viewers. But God also gives community services to us at HCBN Indonesia and they have become a big part of our lives. We distribute basic necessities to needy villagers around us at certain times of the year, and also provide health services such as dental work and natural healing.
At the beginning of 2022, we saw the need of providing free haircuts. It is something that everyone regularly needs while there is nobody to do it in our village. We pitched the idea to our HCBN missionaries with the hope someone will take the challenge. Praise God everyone is keen to learn and take charge of the project. This September we decided to use our land in the village to build a multifunctional place of service and we are building our barber shop there.

A barber friend who has been coming to give haircuts to HCBN missionaries for the past three years learned about this and he welcomed the idea of training us all to be professional barbers. He has become part of the HCBN family and we appreciate his willingness to lead the group we value the knowledge that he shares. And he is the barber for the family of the Indonesian President!
There is one thing he says about this mission; we must do the job sincerely and wholeheartedly, even if the service is free of charge. We are truly blessed to have a partner who understands the mission of Christ although he is not a Christian. Certainly, the willingness to work the second mile is not only for those who read the Bible but also for anyone who listens to the Holy Spirit.

In mid-September, we started training, and at this stage five, HCBN Indonesia missionaries have already started giving haircuts. The models have been ourselves and the people around us. It's awesome to know that this new skill will bless many people.

The construction is already at the foundation building, and we now have water on the property. The local officials and residents are impatiently waiting for our Barber Shop to open. They will no longer have to travel far or pay for a haircut, even though they suggest a small charge is preferred over free service so they can contribute something. The neighbors are happy to share their water sources with us during construction because they believe whatever we do is worth supporting.
We ask for prayers from all HCBN Indonesia friends so that this mission gets accomplished and we can replicate it in other places. That way people can see our good deeds and they praise our Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16.
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Thank You
God Bless

Luar biasa. Pelayanan yg banyak membantu masyarakat sekitar. GB
Luarbiasa, puji Tuhan. Saya sangat mendukung pekerjaan ini. Ini ide saya bertahun2 yang lalu, karena sangat mudah berbicara hati ke hati ketika kita memotong rambut seseorang.