july 2023
Camp Meeting Michigan

The last week of June 2023 was our visit to Michigan, as part of Faithcamp’s second series (https://faithcamp.org/). We drove from Fletcher, North Carolina please check our previous Newsletter, (https://www.hcbn.id/en/juni), on Monday, June 26th. The RV was all functioning well for the first day of driving, until we arrived in Dayton, Ohio. The generator ran the whole time but suddenly stopped for no reason when we stopped for dinner at a rest area. Our plan to drive past Dayton was canceled as we were forced to stay over for the night. We did everything we could to fix, but to no avail. The generator would not start properly, and clunking noise as if the crank was turning would not go away. We gave up, and slept with no Air Conditioning but God gave us a perfect weather that we did not need it.

The following day, after calling no less than twenty phone numbers in the area and having no luck to find anyone available to service, we decided to drive to our final destination, Cedar Lake, Michigan, 327 miles away. With our generator still broken, this could mean our refrigerator would not work, the food would be spoiled, and no Air conditioning to sleep for the whole summer. On the freeway we saw a big RV center that was only two exits away. We went in quickly. We prayed, and God was good for assigning a friendly service staff at the desk. We asked him to place our RV for emergency service for the day. He said the shop was busy for the whole month, but he agreed to look at our RV quickly if he could help. Within few seconds he found a switch that needed to be located that we struggled to find the night before. We started the generator and it was running again instantly. We thanked the friendly staff and he even charged us nothing! God certainly allowed us to stop there for a good reason.

We arrived in Cedar Lake, Michigan after driving two days of a total of 750 miles. The meetings from June 28-July 2 were full of blessings. We met some people we had been acquainted with for the last two years. It was great meeting the church and school where Abraham graduated from. They had heard about our work in Indonesia and it was a blessing for all of us to be reunited again this summer. We were all excited to listen to updates from the missions in Asia. Encouraging statements given by our fellow missionaries such as Natalie Howell and her school progress in Cambodia, also Stecks and Hill family in Thailand, and the whole Jesus For Asia team, Jon, Natalie, Sharon, and Hannah. It was great to see how God is working with them in the new office in Collegedale, Tennessee, please check out their website at (jesus4asia.org) and their supports for various missions in Asia.

We have friends sharing also from ASAP ministries, Julia O’ Carey, the Director, and fellow missionaries Cameron Guild from India and Bethany Peterson from Cambodia. The youth panel program on Saturday afternoon was a blessing where HCBN youths Daniel Tengkano and Abigail Tengkano were sharing the work they have going on in Indonesia. Daniel Tengkano briefly presented the need of dental work in Indonesia to open doors in remote areas alongside our television ministry.

We are praying for you all, please stay connected through prayers and in faith! See you soon!